Well, what is there to talk about? Nothing that exciting has been happening lately, other than me settling into life in Croatia. We took a day trip today to a vinyard owned by family friends, I helped make wine, and it was amazing. I felt like someone had taken me and thrown me smack dab in the middle of a movie set.
Im making friends, starting to have a life here. Its fun, because now I have people to hang out with. We go shopping, have fun. They even took me to a movie festival, where a kiss cover band made fools of themselves in the best way possible.
There is a running joke at school now. Because my name is Meghan, and the other exchange students names is Katie? Well apparently the logical conclusion was for others to think of Megan Fox and Katy Perry. I mean, Im not complaining. If they want to make the connection between me and one of the hottest starlets out there? Well hey, I dont see the harm.
The money situations been a little crazy. My debit card is not working, so Im relying on the monthly allowance from rotary and my visa. Its not a big deal, as Ive no need for anything yet, but knowing I have the money would be nice. Hopefully that will be figured out by the end of the week!
I skyped my parents for the first time this weekend, which was nice. Id expected, even if its only been slightly more than two weeks, to feel that little slice of homesickness, but surprisingly enough there was none. I enjoyed seeing them, I enjoyed talking to them, but that little tug to go home? The one I knew so well when I lived in Montreal? It wasnt there. Maybe its because this time I knew to look for it, or maybe Varaždin is very similar to home, but as of yet I feel no need to return.
I went to both Interact and Rotaract meetings this past week, and will hopefully continue to be a weekly patron of both. I really enjoy the people
Thats all fom over here on my side!
Have a Good one!
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