Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good luck...or determination?

Sometimes in life, things will happen. I mean, of course things will happen, things happen everyday, but what Im saying is that sometimes things will happen that will change your life. You can't know how exactly they will change your life, whether its for better or worse, but I'm a strong believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason.

Being as young as I am, only sixteen, there haven't been many of these experiences. I could quite probably list them off on my two hands. They include my father marrying my Step Mother who would become a huge part of my life, deciding to take my school through the french immersion program, my amazing trip to South Africa......and as of recently being chosen as an exchange student going to Croatia by the rotary club of Downtown Lethbridge.

Now before I delve into that, I should probably start from the beggining. A close family friend of mine, who i've always thought of as my aunt, was involved in rotary for some time. She still is. I can't quite remember how young I was when she took me to meet the incoming exchange student, and I can't remember the whole experience, but I do remember being immediately drawn to the idea of participating in an exchange of my own. I've always loved languages, and always loved travel, so it was such a perfect oppurtunity.

It wasn't until it was actually time to apply for the exchange that I hesitated. Because of my french immersion schooling, I had been with the same kids since kindergarten. If any of you frenchies are reading this you have to know that I couldn't love a group of people more, and you are the reason I almost bypassed this experience. Giving up graduating with you was the hardest decision I've had to make, possibly in my life. But make the decision I did, and in went the application forms. After that, the next few months of waiting were sheer stress. I honestly don't think my shoulders relaxed until the night I got the call. I had been accepted as an outbound exchange student for 2011/2012. It helped me realize that if you get a chance to do something that is truly a once in a lifetime thing, you take it, no matter the sacrifices. Life should be full of memories, not what ifs.

That was it. I had made it. After months of filling out paper work and one very stressful interview they had picked me as an ambassador for Canada, to travel all the way to Croatia. I had never been more scared, more excited, and more proud then the moment I set down that telephone. I couldn't believe my good luck. Then I realized something. Maybe it hadn't been luck at all. Maybe it had been the determination I had, both to have this experience and to change my life.

So I'll leave you with one thought. All those times you thought you were so lucky? That 100% on a test, that great oppurtunity? Don't you dare write that off as chance. Those things were all you, because all it takes to create miracles is faith, determination, and a little bit of confidence in yourself, and the goodness of people around you


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